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Article by ‘Good things Foundation’



A poll of 2,000 adults found only 54% consider themselves “tech savvy”, while 43% feel there are so many apps, online platforms, and software, they can’t keep up with them – which rises to 58% of people aged 55 or over.

38% facing technical challenges

21% Feeling left behind with tech

14% consider themselves “digitally illiterate”.

It can be hard to know where to get help with computers, phones, and tablets, and how to get the best from the internet.

That’s why, as part of our goal to improve digital skills, we have created MoruCareTech.

Let us make your life grow with innovation that flows with ease.


/ˈMo-roo-Ker-Tek/ noun

Everyone is unique, and when it comes to technology, we all have our own quirks. But hey, don't go throwing your computer out the window just yet! At MoruCareTech, we offer tech support that's a cut above the rest. We're not just here to fix things; we're here to hold your hand every step of the way, because we really care about you retaining the knowledge forever.

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